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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
golden parboiled +lady 30
SKD dryer-parboiling +drop 7
A.P.S. parcel carriers 39
ABT parcel service 12, 16
AFL parcel plus +arrow 39
APS aadhithya parcel servic 39
ARC parcel service +oval ar 39
KITEN lime parcel DHURVI 31
MAFAK chuna parcel 31
NEW PATEL parcel chuno +bir 31
ROYAL parcel masala PE 34
SHIV BABAJI parcel +drop 31
SIDDHARTH parcel lime 31
SWARNIM gujarat parcel seva 39
UNITED parcel service 16
V VATAN parcel chuno 31
ZUCCINI veg food parcel 30
ORIENT parchment envelopes 16
lucky parchment +horse & ma 16
parco DORFF 12
RED pard 32
parda SANSAR 24
CC pardawala 40
RELIANCE pardes 42
AL BATHOOL pardha +stars 25
HABEEBY pardha +woman 25
HAREEM pardha 25
CIMONA la pareil 3
CL'AIRE la pareil 3
JISA la pareil 3
TREFA la pareil 3
la pareil DRAX 3
HT parekh foundation 45
JAGSON parenta systems 10
pulse parenteral therapy PP 5
parents guard +hat & shield 16
CHILD india parents 16
parfum GENEVAR 3
ALISHA parfum spray 3
CITY parfum 3
CYCLE popular parfum 3
D DELTA eau de parfum 3
JESSICA parfum spray 3
LOLETTE eau de parfum 3
SASHKA eau de parfum 3
VALENCIA parfume VP +plant 3
SKY TOUCH parfumes +bird 3
parfums GUYLAROCHE 3
CRIS MODA parfums 3
JEANNE ARTHES parfums 3, 16
ROSS black paris parfums 3
WINTER PARK paris parfums 3
lg parfums GUY LAROCHE 3
top MAN first class parfums 3
DHAN SHREE chiffon pari 24
DOUBLE pari +angels & sun 29
DOUBLE pari +angles & sun 31
HANGAMA son pari KACHRI 30
teen parian 3 fairy +fairys 26
TFNL samay ki paribhasha 16
RELIANCE parichit 42
pariksha DARPAN in devnagar 16
pariksha SAGAR 16
LOKSATTA spardha pariksha 41
SHIKSHAK pariksha kendra 16
TOGETHER WITH cbse pariksha 16
AQUARIUS parimal +man 3
ARIES parimal 3
GEMINI parimal +men 3
LIBRA parimal 3
TAURUS parimal +animal 3
parinay +birds 42
NIHARIKA paripoorna 29
paris +tower 42
paris BAGUETTE +tower 29, 30, 42
paris BAGUETTE +tower & arc 29, 30, 32, 42
paris DIAMOND 16
paris ELYSEES +squares 3
paris GALLERY +tower 35
paris HILTON 3, 14, 18
paris KHARBUJ +cartoon 30
paris KRAKLERS 30
paris LOUNGE 16
paris PARK 25
paris POINT 35
paris PURE COFFEE candy 30
paris QUEEN 24, 25
paris ROLLE A LIER 3
paris TIN 5
paris VALLEY 3
paris cotton 25
paris mail +man & car 34
paris transparent soap 3
paris-DAKNER +oval 5
paris-RHONE 7
paris-RHONE +wheel 12
paris-beauty 24
AAKRITI plaster of paris 2, 19
AE ELEGANCE paris 24, 25, 27
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